Remembering our place in the meshwork of an animate universe.
Conscious co-creators of Our Beloved Futures, rooted in collective liberation.

Our Beloved Futures is a radical (to the root) reclamation of our creative gifts as human beings. In the collective re-dreaming of new futures with Life at the center, we source from deep devotion to our beloved animate earth.  

We write, consult, coach, gather, breathe, dance and weave cultures of transition in order to bridge from the poly-crisis to the new syntropic worlds of interbeing, reciprocity and collective liberation. 

This is a space of rest and regeneration, kinship and remembering, humility and deep excavation of the trauma of modernity. Welcome. 

A prayer for the dreaming-

Calling all dreamers who do… 
Devotees of Gaia, our Earth. Mystical tricksters of soil, salt and water. 

We love this temple planet as our Self. We embrace the sacred drift of our life’s dance, our steps coming into harmony with bird and bee, whale and dolphin, all of life’s beauty. We build and dream islands of coherence, cultures of transition, using the compost of toxic systems that were born of domination and fear, mixed with the dreams of our future ancestors whose whispers animate our imagination.

Here you can find the others and remember that you are never alone. Like the imaginal cells awakening in the chrysalis, we are becoming butterfly together. Our prayer is remembrance of the immense power of our humble place in the symphony of life. Our redemption is rooted in the languages of stone and leaf.
We trust the wisdom of plants and stars.

We are a tribe called human and we come in peace.
Welcome home. All the disparate parts of your whole Self are welcome.

We are a co-creative futures consultancy and culture lab: stewarding cultures of transition to new-ancient futures of collective liberation.

We have over 15 years of experience creating containers, spaces and learning journeys in service to collective liberation and beloved futures of interbeing with Life.

Awaken your potential to co-create the future.

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